Protected by a century-old, three-kilometre hedge of small oak trees and hawthorn, the Château-Figeac vineyard scorns the bounds of time. The spirit of the place and its family, the Manoncourts, are part of a unique ecosystem. Wide paths cross a heath where common oaks offer a home to sparrows, blackbirds and rare species of bats. Amid the peace and quiet, under the shade of ancient plane trees, the new high-precision winery and historic château exude an air of untroubled serenity. This is where the inspiration for boldness and a constant quest for precision come from. This is where the embodiment and supreme refinement of a great and singular gravel terroir, the only one of its kind in Saint-Émilion, is to be found. Pierre Desproges once wrote “A wine so great that just looking at it makes you believe in God”.